Pet Vaccinations
Comprehensive Pet Vaccination
Vaccinations are the fundamental cornerstone of preventive healthcare for your pets.
In the state of Oklahoma, a rabies vaccination is legally required for all dogs and cats, and it’s a vital step to ensure public health. But rabies vaccination is just the tip of the iceberg – we offer a number of pet vaccinations in Norman that can safeguard your pet from life-threatening diseases like Parvovirus and Distemper.
Oklahoma State Rabies Vaccination Requirements
In accordance with the state’s guidelines, all dogs, cats, and ferrets must receive their first rabies vaccination from a licensed veterinarian by the age of 4 months. Subsequently, they should be revaccinated annually to maintain their protection. It’s crucial to note that even if your pet is slightly overdue for their rabies vaccination, the state of Oklahoma will not consider them up to date.
Additionally, it’s essential to remember that even indoor pets must comply with the state’s regulations and receive a licensed veterinarian-administered rabies vaccination. Call to learn more about pet vaccinations in Norman!
Dog Vaccinations
For our canine companions, preventive healthcare is a year-round commitment.
Regardless of age, each yearly visit should encompass:
- A thorough doctor’s examination to assess your pet’s ears, teeth, heart, lungs, and any unusual lumps or bumps.
- A 1-year Rabies shot (eligible for a three-year Rabies shot if the pet received their last one within the past year).
- DHLPP 1-year vaccine (protecting against Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Parainfluenza, and Parvovirus). After reaching three years of age, dogs may become eligible for a three-year DHP shot, followed by an annual LeptoVax shot.
- Fecal examination (please provide a fresh stool sample).
- Heartworm check (performed yearly to screen for resistant strains of heartworms).
- Year-round heartworm prevention.
- Flea/Tick prevention.
- Preventative diagnostic testing based on your pet’s age.
Puppy Vaccinations
It’s important to ensure that your puppy receives all their shots to be fully protected. Only receiving part of their necessary shots leaves them vulnerable to the diseases they are being vaccinated against. Call to book pet vaccinations in Noman today!
Cat Vaccinations
Feline healthcare follows a similar routine, focusing on well-being at all stages of life.
Yearly visits for cats should encompass:
- A comprehensive doctor’s examination to assess ears, teeth, heart, lungs, and any unusual lumps or bumps.
- FVRCP/FeLk, a Distemper/Leukemia Combo, with a one-year shot.
- A Rabies vaccination, which, if given within a year of the previous shot, might make your cat eligible for a three-year shot.
- FVRCP vaccine, which may be eligible for a three-year shot after two years, provided all kitten shots were administered.
- A risk assessment for Feline Leukemia (FELV) and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV).
- Fecal examination (please provide a fresh stool sample).
Kitten Vaccinations
It is important to ensure that your kitten receives all their shots to be fully protected. Only receiving part of their necessary shots leaves them vulnerable to the diseases they are being vaccinated against. Don’t leave your kitten unprotected – call us to schedule your pet vaccinations in Norman today.